Fish substitute: alternatives for vegans

If you prefer not to eat fish but would like to get the healthy fatty acids from fish, it is important that you look for a suitable fish substitute. Fortunately, there are several good fish substitutes available nowadays. Are you looking for a good fish substitute? We would like to list the possibilities for you.
What is vegan fish? And what is plant-based fish made of?
A popular substitute for fish is vegan fish. So this fish is not made of fish at all, but consists only of vegan ingredients. These are often seaweed and water, to which tapioca starch, soy (beans) and mushrooms are added, for example.
Vegan fish, as a fish substitute, tries to replace the taste and texture of fish. Vegan fish is available in more and more places in the Netherlands, but not every fish substitute is plant-based fish. For example, some fish substitutes do contain milk.
Therefore, read the ingredient list on the label carefully if you are specifically looking for plant-based fish.
Wouldn't know where to buy this fish substitute in your area? Don't panic, there are many good fish substitutes for sale these days! Ready-made fish substitutes abound in the form of fish burgers, seaweed burgers, fish sticks and fish nuggets.
You can usually find these fish substitutes with a crispy crust on the same shelf as the meat substitutes in your supermarket. If you do an internet search, you will find plenty of reviews from bloggers who have tested whether the particular vegan / plant-based fish met their expectations.
Even in many restaurants nowadays you can order a dish with vegan fish. They are thus answering the emerging demand for a tasty fish substitute on the menu.
Want to get started at home? Then look up a recipe online for vegan tuna salad, for example. You can easily make these yourself!
Is vegan fish good for you?
Vegan fish is good for you because you can be sure there are no heavy metals in it. But you do miss out on the good omega 3 fatty acids your body needs by eating fish substitutes.
Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) are good for your eyesight, blood pressure, heart and brain, among other things.
So when you start looking for a tasty fish substitute, it is important that you also look for a substitute for your essential omega 3 fats in addition.
Replacing fish in your diet
Want to replace fish in your diet with a healthy fish substitute? Then remember to monitor your omega 3 intake. For example, look into omega 3 supplements. A well-known omega 3 substitute is fish oil.
You can buy these in a liquid version, as well as fish oil capsules. There are also algae oil capsules and liquid algae oil. Algae oil is similar to fish oil, but without requiring fish.
In fact, algae are the only plants that contain the same omega 3 fatty acids as fresh fish. Fish also get their omega 3 through algae. This makes algae oil a perfect fish substitute for vegans!
At Arctic Blue, we sell both fish oil and algae oil. What is good to know is that for our fish oil, no fish is caught extra. In fact, we make clever use of trimmings that would otherwise be thrown away, which has earned us the first MSC label in the Netherlands.
We also sell algae oil in combination with flaxseed oil, because flaxseed oil also contains omega 3. This combination has the spicy flavor of flaxseed and is free of a fishy aftertaste.
Because of their mild taste and low oxidation value, you can easily take all our oils and capsules pure from the spoon or stir them into your yogurt, breakfast quart, salad dressing or a smoothie.
All our vegetable products also carry the VEGAN seal of approval. With this we guarantee 100% that no fish (oil) has been used. A good vegan replacement for fish!