What is fish oil and what are its benefits?

Fish oil is also called the successor to cod liver oil. Where exactly what is fish oil and what are its benefits?
Fish oil is a dietary supplement containing essential omega 3 fatty acids. Your body cannot produce these fatty acids itself, but it needs them. By eating oily fish once a week, for example, you get enough omega 3. However, many people do not succeed in doing so. The oil from oily fish is a good addition to your diet.
EPA and DHA in fish oil and capsules
Fish oil contains high levels of EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid), two fatty acids from the omega 3 fatty acid group. EPA and DHA are good for heart function (beneficial effect is obtained with daily intake of 250 mg EPA+DHA). DHA is good for brain function and vision (beneficial effect is obtained with daily intake of 250 mg DHA).
Omega 3 is also good for pregnant women and babies. It is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Omega 3 is a building block for children's brains. Fish oil contributes to all these health benefits because of its high content of omega 3 fatty acids.
Fish oil ordering
EPA and DHA occur naturally in fish, seafood and some eggs. Oily fish contain the most EPA and DHA. However, most people do not reach the recommended 200 milligrams of fish fatty acids per day. Then fish oil, algae oil or (fish oil) capsules are a good alternative. All have the benefits of omega 3 because they are rich in EPA and DHA. Fish oil in the form of oil or fish oil capsules, with the advantages of being free of burps or aftertaste, can be ordered online directly from Arctic Blue.